Puppy and Belly Update!

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Time for a quick belly and puppy update today!

Molly is growing so quickly! She is now 5 months old and behaving a bit like an a-hole teenager. We finished basic puppy class last week but now we really need to do more training at home. Walking her on a leash is incredibly difficult and frustrating, so we have to teach her that in small doses. Meeting people is so unbelievably exciting to her! She jumps and barks up on people, which is really not good. So if you come over and meet Molly, please do us a favour and ignore her until she is sitting nicely on the floor. It's so hard to be out in public and try and get strangers to do this. All they want to do is pet the cute little puppy jumping up their leg.

August was a bit of a whirlwind for us! We were away from home almost every weekend and Molly's routine was totally out of whack. As a result, Molly refused to sleep in her crate at night anymore. We had a few sleepless nights of her screaming away for hours. We have since retrained her to sleep on the floor in our bedroom and she is doing much better. We still use her crate to transport her in the car and she does so well! The car vibrations seem to put her right to sleep. I need to remember this come December when we have a newborn and a crazy puppy....put them both in the car and drive somewhere!

My belly is also growing fast and furious! This baby is incredibly active and I get lots of bumps and kicks throughout the day. This week marks the end of Second Trimester. Time to finish off the nursery and get ready for this little one to arrive! Still need to finish painting a dresser, get some baskets for the closet and hang lots of art.

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